Friday, October 22, 2010

RTA Wears a New Color....PINK!

From parts to admin, from early shift to late, from CEO to Bus Operator we are wearing PINK! The RTA is a proud supporter of the American Cancer Society's efforts to end breast cancer. Together, we can all B the difference. by educating our community on awareness and encouraging each other to receive early detection. Breast cancer is a disease that can effect women, children, and even men. RTA Staff is proud to show our support tomorrow at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk at Cole Park and by providing transportation to the event on our Route 76! So hop on the trolley and join us as we become the difference to create a wold with more birthdays! Enjoy the slide-show below. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

RTA Public Transit for Del Mar Students - PSA

Del Mar's video production team along with the RTA, teamed up to put together this PSA for Del Mar students that will also air on Corpus Christi Public Access Television, channel 19. This informational video serves as a reminder that students can ride for free on RTA bus routes. Thank you Del Mar for helping us get the word out that public transportation is the safer and more efficient way to get to school.